Gender Bender – matrimony style

Another one of my conversations with friends (in this case a girl who shall remain unnamed). She is all ready to get married and is currently scouring matrimony sites with the enthusiasum usually reserved for business analysts, one day before they are to submit a path breaking, company defining report to the head of business development.

Me: So this guy.. he should be educated? – B-tech atleast  suppose?

She : Well im B-tech so he should be atleast one degree above me, preferably MS or MBA. (‘From a premier institute’ she adds after a moment)

Me: Ok

Me: Uh, how about height , weight etc

She: Tall, (taller than me of course <rolls eyes> ) and well, should be slim but not too slim..Atleast strong looking enough to make me feel secure..

Me: Sounds fine.

Me : (Obviously a link bait kind of  question) I guess he should earn more than you right?

She: Of course..He should because he has more experience than me, as he is older than me.

Me: (making an effort to mentally tabulate) : Ok so more age, more experience, more income..sounds reasonable

Me : So this guy, he should be better than you in every aspect right? – I mean more educated, taller, stronger, earning more income, more experi..(gets cut off in mid sentence)

She: Of course not, we are equals. Im not like these traditional women who remain subjugated to their husbands. I believe in equal rights because we are equal in all respects…

Me : (Bleary red eyes from the thinking) <blinks twice>, says nothing…

She (senses something is wrong) : Plus im making the effort to move into his life, which is a lot tougher for me…

Me: Starts playing solitaire on my laptop…..

She : Glares at me and then shifts back to filling up the search filter forms on keralamatrimony…

Go figure.

(disclaimer: Im not one of those male chauvinist pigs, neither a feminist supporter. I’am a woman worshipper (not the add -on-accessory kind of guy which you find occasionally with every group of girls), the kind who admires women who balance work and life, and positively think all mothers rock (in all sizes and shapes) 🙂


Plus i think women are absolutely entitled to equal rights and protected from abuse. This is just a commentary on the state of the marriage ‘marketplace’ which seems similar to a stock market right now. We can just as well write a commentary on the male side of things.